Meike Kohls Hamburg Art in Uhlenhorst Logo
Artist Gallery for Hamburg Artworks, Herderstrasse 5, 22085 Hamburg, 040 229 29 350

Gallery of Hamburg Art Prints

Art - Prints on canvas

normal size 18 x 22 cm x 1,8 cm panoramic size print 18 x 36 cm x 1,8 cm. All small sizes are always in stock.

Examples for other Sizes

Bigger sizes only to order: 32 x 40 cm, 60 x 75 cm, 90 x 110 panoramic prints 32 x 64 cm, 60 x 120 cm, 90 x 180 cm. Whatever size you wish is possible. Every print is always individual and customised and therefore bespoke. Come to my studio, every Wednesday 3 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., or by appointment. Tel 040 229 29 350, Address